Heritage Mourns Loss of Dr. Bernard T. Lomas

Heritage Mourns Loss of Dr. Bernard T. Lomas

Jan 15, 2021 2 min read

WASHINGTON — Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James issued the following statement on the death of Dr. Bernard T. Lomas: 

“The Heritage Foundation mourns the passing of Bernard Lomas, former counselor to the president of Heritage for over a quarter of a century. 


“Bernard passed away on December 24, 2020, at the age of 96. A distinguished clergyman, author, educator, and president and chancellor of Albion College, his life was dedicated to public service and advancing the cause of liberty in the United States.  


“His influence at Heritage was so strongly felt that in 2005, an anonymous gift was made in his honor to establish the Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellowship at Heritage’s newly founded Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. Bernard was a strong supporter of the Special Relationship between the U.S. and the U.K., and described Great Britain’s Iron Lady ‘as one of the greatest political leaders of our time. I’m honored to be able to play a role in promoting her ideals through The Heritage Foundation.’ 


“Today, the Margaret Thatcher Center at Heritage is the leading policy center in the United States dedicated to advancing U.S. and British leadership in the world and the defense of American sovereignty, with the Lomas Fellowship at its heart.  


“The Heritage family will greatly miss Bernard Lomas, but his legacy at Heritage certainly lives on.” 

Dr. Edwin J. Feulner, founder and former president of Heritage, said of Lomas’ passing, “Bernard was a wonderful gentleman, a good friend, and a wise counselor for more than 25 years. He loved The Heritage Foundation as the beacon for freedom for all Americans. May he rest in eternal peace.” 

Additional background 

Dr. Nile Gardiner, director of the Thatcher Center and a former aide to Lady Margaret Thatcher, presently holds the Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellowship. The fellowship was previously held by Steven Groves, who went on to serve as chief of staff to U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and subsequently as special assistant to the president in the White House, before his return to Heritage in 2020.  

In 1977, Lomas founded the Gerald R. Ford Institute for Leadership in Public Policy and Service at Albion College in Albion, Mich., to encourage positive political participation by future generations of leaders. He was the author of five books, a prominent public speaker, and served on the boards of numerous charities and social service organizations.