Heritage Mourns Loss of Foster Friess

Heritage Mourns Loss of Foster Friess

May 27, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON – Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James today issued the following statement on the death of Foster Friess. Heritage honored Friess with the John Von Kannon Patriot Award at the Annual Leadership Conference last month:

“The generosity of Foster Friess touched the lives of millions, and those gifts will continue to bear fruit for years to come. Christian, successful businessman, Army veteran, a true champion—these are the descriptors that leap to mind at the mention of his name.


“After dedicating 14 years to military service, he returned to civilian life and launched an investment firm with his wife, Lynnette. Their business acumen made the enterprise a tremendous success, leading Forbes Magazine in 2018 to name him as one of the ‘greatest investors of this generation.’


“A lifelong advocate of Christian and conservative values, Mr. Friess devoted much of his riches to charitable giving that promoted opportunity and prosperity for the world’s most vulnerable.


“When tragedy struck around the globe, Mr. Friess often stepped in, donating to relief efforts in the aftermath of the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the Haiti earthquake in 2010. He truly lived out the values of his Christian faith.


“In 2000, he was named ‘Humanitarian of the Year’ at the National Charity Awards Dinner in Washington, D.C.


“We at The Heritage Foundation benefited not just from this great philanthropist’s donations, but from the example of dedicated, principled service he set for all. Today, our hearts and prayers are with Lynette, their four children and 15 grandchildren, as well as the many others who knew and will miss this truly great man.”