Heritage Mourns the Death of Richard Odermatt

Heritage Mourns the Death of Richard Odermatt

Heritage Foundation President Edwin J. Feulner today issued the following statement on the passing of Richard Odermatt:

Oct 19, 2017 1 min read

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2017 —Heritage Foundation President Edwin J. Feulner today issued the following statement on the passing of Richard Odermatt:

The Heritage Foundation has lost its longest serving employee and one of its dearest friends. Richard Odermatt, our Director of Research Editing, was one of the most erudite men in Washington, profoundly talented, and blessed with a gentle, loving soul.

Richard possessed an endless range of knowledge and the ability to give attention to the smallest detail—qualities that made him the most talented research editor I have ever known.

He came to Heritage on January 22, 1975, and quickly made himself indispensable. In the early days, he not only edited our research papers, he would hand-deliver them to congressional offices once or twice a week.

Richard lived a rich life outside of Heritage, too. He spoke nine foreign languages—ancient and modern—and travelled extensively. He taught English at a community college, was a seminary professor (and tutor) of Byzantine chant, and a cantor at the Holy Transfiguration Melkite Greek Catholic Church in McLean, Va.

Grounded in deep faith, he was unflappable in times of stress and over-joyed at the joy of others. We at Heritage will miss his warm presence, his shy, sly smile and his self-effacing humor. May God rest his beautiful soul.

Richard Odermatt Portrait