Heritage President Applauds Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court

Heritage President Applauds Confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court

Oct 26, 2020 3 min read

WASHINGTON –Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James released the following statement after the U.S. Senate’s vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to U.S. Supreme Court to serve as an Associate Justice.

“Today is a great day for the American people and our system of justice. The Supreme Court has another unwavering advocate for the Constitution and the protections it affords every citizen.

“Adding another justice to the court with a commitment to originalism and textualism is critical at a time when the left is attempting to remake the courts with judges and justices who dangerously reinterpret the law to serve their political and social preferences. With Justice Barrett’s confirmation today, Americans can rest assured there will be a voice on the bench for years to come working to protect the Constitution, hold the government within its constitutional boundaries, and restore the Supreme Court to its proper role within our ingenious system of checks and balances.

“Justice Barrett has served with honor and distinction throughout her legal and academic career, and I know that she will bring the same rigor and excellence to the Supreme Court. In both her professional and personal life, she has proven herself to have the legal acumen, the temperament, and the moral character to earn a seat on the nation’s highest court. As Americans witnessed throughout her confirmation hearings, she has a deep grasp and respect for the law.

“President Trump chose a truly outstanding nominee, and I commend the U.S. Senate for acting swiftly to confirm her to the bench.”

The Heritage Foundation has been aggressively advocating for Justice Barret’s confirmation since President Donald Trump nominated her to the vacant seat in late September.

Heritage legal experts have written nearly 30 op-eds and have engaged in more than 190 media interviews since the time the seat first became vacant.

As part of Heritage’s “Fight for America” national advertising campaign, which seeks to contrast the conservative vision for America with the radical progressive agenda of the left, Heritage launched a seven-figure campaign aimed at educating Americans on confirmation of Barrett to our nation’s highest court.

The centerpiece of Heritage’s campaign was a 30-second television ad and accompanying 15-second digital ad highlighting Barrett’s qualifications for the Supreme Court. The television spot appeared on Fox News, HGTV, History, and Discovery Channel.

Additionally, on the opening day of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, Heritage launched its first episode of “Perspectives: The Confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett.” The multipart podcast series featured personal, in-depth conversations with Sens. Marsha Blackburn and Joni Ernst. The senators are the first two female Republican women on the Judiciary Committee, making their unique point of view especially compelling during Justice Barrett’s confirmation process.

Heritage’s multimedia news organization, The Daily Signal, provided complete coverage and analysis of Barrett’s hearings. The Daily Signal released an eight-minute mini-documentary featuring some of the people who know Barrett’s work best—her former students and clerks. The video, “Meet the REAL Amy Coney Barrett,” tells the truth about the justice and her approach to the law.

Heritage Action for America, an independent partner organization affiliated with The Heritage Foundation, launched a “Confirm Amy ”grassroots campaign to introduce Barrett to 1million grassroots activists and 20,000 Sentinel leaders. Heritage Action also hosted a rally with hundreds of activists voicing their support for Barrett.

For more information about Justice Barrett and her road to confirmation, visit Heritage’s collection page on Confirming a Supreme Court Justice.

As the nation’s largest, most broadly supported conservative research and educational institution, The Heritage Foundation has been leading the American conservative movement since our founding in 1973. More than 500,000 dues-paying members support our vision to build an America where freedom, prosperity, opportunity, and civil society flourish.