Heritage President: Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Unacceptable, Must Be Rejected

Heritage President: Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Unacceptable, Must Be Rejected

Sep 10, 2021 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James released the following statement after President Joe Biden’s speech Thursday announcing far-reaching COVID vaccine mandates:

“President Biden’s proposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates are unacceptable and must be rejected. As an organization with more than 100 employees, The Heritage Foundation will likely be impacted by President Biden’s private employer mandate just as so many other businesses and nonprofits will be, but we will not know for sure until the rule is formally issued. Heritage will exercise the options available to us to challenge this government power grab and protect the rights and freedoms of our employees.


“Too often, our leaders in Washington have issued conflicting messages and have changed their advice on COVID when there was no change in the science. This has led to much confusion and a lack of trust in the information the American people are getting from policymakers. Instead of COVID-19 vaccine mandates, policymakers should focus on providing more clear and timely data on vaccine risks and benefits so Americans can make their own informed decisions along with the help of their doctors.


“Freedom means trusting the American people and equipping them with information to assess risks and make the best decisions for themselves and their families.Instead of presenting a coherent strategy, including metrics that define the end of the pandemic, President Biden introduced counterproductive and divisive rhetoric and policies based on fear and control.”