Heritage President Celebrates Transformational Changes During House Speaker Election

Heritage President Celebrates Transformational Changes During House Speaker Election

Jan 7, 2023 3 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the following statement after the House of Representatives’ vote for Speaker on Friday:

“We congratulate all members of Congress who worked hard over the past weeks to deliver reforms to the U.S. House on behalf of all Americans.

“This is a historic moment for our country. American voters delivered a mandate for conservative leadership in November—a mandate to put an end to business as usual in Washington. That demand is now being fulfilled by those members taking seriously their commitment to their constituents.

“In the face of extreme Establishment rhetoric and media spin, conservatives fought for their constituents, had a robust debate over how to fix Congress, and now have a stronger voice to make meaningful changes.

“There is much work to be done and Heritage looks forward to working with the 118th Congress to address the most pressing issues facing Americans today, including border security, Biden’s dismal economy, countering the Chinese Communist Party, and serving as a key partner in holding unelected bureaucrats accountable through the oversight process.

“Restoring America demands hard work and harder choices. The battle for the Speaker’s gavel has been a small step for the everyday American, and a giant leap for Congress. 

“It’s time to get to work.” 


Background (7 Policy Priorities): 

In November, The Heritage Foundation announced the release of its full slate of conservative policy priorities for the new Congress and incoming state legislatures across the country.   

Those priorities include: 

  1. Empowering parents to make education choices,  

  1. Securing our borders and reducing crime,  

  1. Ensuring free and fair elections,  

  1. Reversing the growth of regulations, spending, and inflation,  

  1. Countering the threat of Communist China,  

  1. Holding Big Tech accountable, and  

  1. Protecting unborn life and family formation.   

These seven policy priorities will guide Heritage strategy and decision-making at both the federal and state level in the years to come, and the newly released slate of specific policy goals will give lawmakers a clear roadmap to follow in fighting for America’s future. Read the full list here.