Heritage President on Iran Deal: US Must Never Allow Evil Regime to Obtain Nuclear Weapons

Heritage President on Iran Deal: US Must Never Allow Evil Regime to Obtain Nuclear Weapons

Mar 15, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts released the following statement Tuesday on the Biden administration’s push to secure another nuclear appeasement deal with Iran in the wake of Iranian missile attacks on U.S. personnel and assets in Iraq: 

“The original Iran deal was seriously flawed, and returning to it will not stop Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons to threaten the U.S. and its allies. Unfortunately, the Biden administration is doing the exact opposite by attempting to recommit the U.S. to this deeply flawed, entirely unworkable deal from which President Trump wisely withdrew the U.S. in 2018.  


“Despite its apologists’ cries to the contrary, the deal gave Iran billions of dollars in cash and sanctions relief, which it used to advance its nuclear program and fund terrorism throughout the Middle East—as even John Kerry admitted would happen. It did nothing to limit Iran’s ballistic missile program. It did not require ‘anytime, anywhere’ inspections of Iranian nuclear facilities. It put Iran in the driver’s seat in choosing what inspections would be allowed, and when.  


“Biden’s push to restore this horrific deal is all the more baffling in the wake of Saturday’s Iranian missile attacks on U.S. personnel in Iraq. The U.S. should  punish this evil regime for its attacks on American citizens and continued threat to our interests. We must never allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons."