Heritage President Kevin Roberts, Economist Stephen Moore Applaud House Freedom Caucus Plan to Restore Fiscal Solvency

Heritage President Kevin Roberts, Economist Stephen Moore Applaud House Freedom Caucus Plan to Restore Fiscal Solvency

Mar 10, 2023 1 min read

WASHINGTON—The House Freedom Caucus today released its “Shrink Washington, Grow America” framework that will hold President Biden accountable for his fiscal recklessness and safeguard our country’s future.  

Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts released the following statement Friday praising the newly released plan:  

“I applaud the House Freedom Caucus for offering a plan that will put the American people first and rein in Washington’s reckless policies. Biden and the Left have prioritized their radical political agenda instead of easing the burden on American taxpayers and families. Commonsense members of Congress should oppose and call out the weaponization of the budget and should chart a path toward fiscal sanity. Thankfully, members of the House Freedom Caucus are leading the way. 


“It is crucial that we reverse Washington’s out-of-control spending and debt that are hurting families and working Americans.”  

Stephen Moore, a distinguished fellow in economics at The Heritage Foundation, added:   

“Biden’s new $7 trillion budget with trillions of new taxes is a fiscal atrocity that would crash the economy and stock market. 


“The House Freedom Caucus budget blueprint is a refreshing contrast. It reduces trillions of dollars of wasteful and redundant federal spending, repeals costly regulations, and balances the budget. Unlike the Biden plan, the Freedom Caucus budget doesn’t raise a penny of new taxes on hardworking Americans. It’s a budget that shrinks government and expands prosperity. We need both of these things.” 

BACKGROUND: Having already increased the national debt above $31 trillion, President Biden released his new budget Thursday, which would increase spending above the baseline by $1.85 trillion over the next decade. Among the proposals in Biden’s budget plan is a staggering $4.7 trillion tax increase, or more than $35,000 per household.