Heritage Scholars Challenge Biden’s Push to Impose Radical LGBT Ideology on Medicine

Heritage Scholars Challenge Biden’s Push to Impose Radical LGBT Ideology on Medicine

Oct 5, 2022 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Scholars from The Heritage Foundation this week submitted final comments opposing a proposed rule from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights that would redefine “sex discrimination” to include classifications of sex and gender identity not found in law.

The proposed rule is just one of many efforts by the Biden administration to force a radical sexual ideology on Americans through their health care, schools, and workplace.

Roger Severino, vice president of domestic policy at Heritage, was the former director of HHS’ Office for Civil Rights (2017-2021) who oversaw the drafting and implementation of the regulation now under reconsideration. Severino made the following statement on Heritage’s submission of comments and opposition to the rule:

“The Biden administration is so beholden to gender ideologues that it would redefine our sex discrimination laws to erase the very concept of women. By displacing biological sex with gender ideology in medicine, the rule would shutter faith-based health care providers, require the sterilization of kids, and force Americans to pay for it through their insurance premiums.

“The American people have had enough and are flooding HHS with comments begging them to stop. Comments by Heritage scholars, along with similar objections from thousands upon thousands of like-minded organizations and ordinary Americans, preview the massive pushback the Biden administration will face if it finalizes this tone-deaf rule.

“Because the administration can’t pass its dangerous gender agenda in law, it has resorted to twisting civil rights regulations beyond all recognition. If they don’t abandon the proposed rule on their own, they should expect lawsuits that will force them to.”

Federal agencies must read, evaluate, and respond to every substantive comment submitted to them on regulations.gov. They also must demonstrate that rules as finalized are not arbitrary, capricious, or contrary to law.

Read Heritage’s submitted comments here and here.