Heritage Tech Expert Reacts to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Failure to Hold the Government Accountable for Conspiring with Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech


Heritage Tech Expert Reacts to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Failure to Hold the Government Accountable for Conspiring with Big Tech to Suppress Free Speech

Jun 26, 2024 1 min read

WASHINGTON— Today, the United States Supreme Court decided Murthy v. Missouri, rejecting calls by several states to permanently block the Biden administration from colluding with Big Tech to censor speech. This decision allows the government to continue trampling on Americans’ right to freedom of speech through its Big Tech proxies.    

Daniel Cochrane, senior research associate at The Heritage Foundation’s Tech Policy Center, issued the following statement:   

“The U.S. Government and leftists have weaponized Big Tech’s immense power against the American people. Government entities including the Biden White House, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Administration, and the FBI worked hand-in-glove with tech giants like Twitter, Facebook, and Amazon to suppress speech questioning COVID-19 vaccines, lockdown policies, and the integrity of the 2020 presidential election.  But sadly, the Supreme Court did not resolve whether the government violated the First Amendment by colluding with Big Tech to suppress speech.


“In the absence of judicial intervention to stop government and Big Tech collusion, Congress and the States should act to restrict government coordinated suppression of speech and require common sense transparency for tech platforms. The government shouldn’t have a blank check to pressure the most powerful companies to censor Americans. And neither should Big Tech platforms escape accountability when they enable government-backed censorship.”