Heritage's Paul Winfree on Forthcoming Omnibus Spending Bill

Heritage's Paul Winfree on Forthcoming Omnibus Spending Bill

Mar 19, 2018 1 min read

This afternoon, Paul Winfree, Director of the Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation and former White House Director of Budget Policy, released the following statement on the forthcoming omnibus spending bill:

“The omnibus spending package that Congress plans to introduce this evening is a complete betrayal. Congress has repeatedly promised to fix the spending problem in Washington, but this bill promises trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see. Worse yet, this omnibus completely abandons any attempt to repeal or roll back Obamacare. Instead, a Republican-controlled Congress now appears that it will entrench and expand Obamacare by giving billions in bailouts to insurance companies as well as additional funding for outreach and enrollment to prop up this failed law.

“Congressional leadership should take the remaining time to correct this disastrous piece of legislation before it is voted on by the House. If they do not seize on this opportunity and go forward with this bill as drafted, it will not only cost them their credibility, but it will cost the American people trillions as well.”