Janae Stracke Promoted to Vice President of Outreach and Advocacy for The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action

Janae Stracke Promoted to Vice President of Outreach and Advocacy for The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action

Sep 25, 2023 2 min read

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced Monday that Janae Stracke will serve as the organization’s vice president of outreach and advocacy in a joint role with Heritage Action for America. 

“Over the last few years, the Left has spent our country into oblivion, created the worst border crisis in our nation’s history, waged war on American parents, and even weaponized the government against citizens. At the same time, organizations like The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action have proven there is a way to fight back and advance conservative policies at all levels of government,” Stracke said. 

“I am humbled and honored to continue serving Heritage Action’s activists and aligning the outreach efforts of Heritage’s campaigns, partnerships, and coalitions,” she added. “There is still a lot of work to be done, and I look forward to deepening the relationship between the two organizations and reaching our shared goals.” 

Stracke was most recently a vice president at Heritage Action and previously its director of grassroots. In her new role, Stracke will continue to oversee Heritage Action’s grassroots team—directing the Sentinel Program and the organization’s 2 million activists—as well as lead Heritage’s campaigns and partnerships, and coalitions departments, while serving as a member of senior management. 

Under her leadership, Stracke helped Heritage Action secure more than 80 state legislative victories—just this year—on conservative policies championed by The Heritage Foundation. They include expanding education freedom, protecting life and families, ensuring election integrity, countering Communist China, safeguarding free speech, and securing the border. 

“Janae Stracke is one of the most talented grassroots leaders in the conservative movement. Her record of success on conservative policy wins speaks for itself,” said Andy Olivastro, chief advancement officer at The Heritage Foundation. “We’re grateful for Janae’s tremendous talents and know, in her new role working with both Heritage and Heritage Action, she will ensure we’re seamlessly aligned for more success in the future.” 

While at Heritage Action, Stracke was charged with turning The Heritage Foundation’s seven policy priorities into actionable legislation. So far in 2023, her team has executed nearly 200 grassroots events reaching over 30,000 Americans. There are currently more than 20,000 highly trained Sentinel activists, boots-on-the-ground grassroots Americans who are active in every state and congressional district. 

Prior to joining Heritage Action, Stracke worked for Concerned Women for America as both national field director and communications coordinator. Stracke grew up on a farm in Western Iowa and attended Liberty University, where she received a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism and a double minor in public relations and psychology. 

Heritage Action was founded in 2010. Armed with the research and policies of The Heritage Foundation, its mission is to fight for conservative policies in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals across the country. Its goal is to turn ideas into bills and bills into law.