Kay C. James: Russ Vought Is a Fearless Advocate for American Taxpayers

Kay C. James: Russ Vought Is a Fearless Advocate for American Taxpayers

Jul 20, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James applauded the Senate’s confirmation of Russ Vought to serve as director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Vought, a former vice president of Heritage Action for America, had been serving as OMB’s acting director.

“Russ has been a fearless advocate for the American taxpayer, and his unwavering fiscally conservative principles make him an outstanding choice to head the Office of Management and Budget,” James said. “Since joining OMB, Russ has been instrumental in producing budget proposals that advance priorities to make life better for all Americans.”

President Trump’s budgets have adopted as much as 61% of the proposals found in The Heritage Foundation’s Blueprint for Balance—a plan to rein in spending, reform taxes, and right-size the federal government.

“We are grateful to the president for promoting Russ and pleased that the Senate has confirmed him,” James added. “Russ will always be part of the Heritage family. At Heritage Action, he pioneered new forms of grassroots activism and inspired tens of thousands of the conservative movement’s best and brightest activists to work for liberty and limited government. We are proud of him and look forward to his continuing leadership at OMB.”

Vought serves in President Donald Trump’s Cabinet alongside two former Heritage Foundation alumni, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao. Esper served as chief of staff to Heritage’s founder, Dr. Edwin J. Fuelner, and Chao as a Heritage distinguished fellow.