Kay Coles James Applauds Selection of Larry Kudlow as National Economic Council Chairman

Kay Coles James Applauds Selection of Larry Kudlow as National Economic Council Chairman

Mar 15, 2018 1 min read

Brendan McDermid/REUTERS/Newscom

This morning Heritage Foundation President Kay Coles James released the following statement on President Trump's selection of Larry Kudlow to serve as the next chairman of the National Economic Council: 

“In selecting Larry Kudlow as the next chairman of the National Economic Council, President Trump has picked a lifelong defender of free enterprise and limited government. For decades, Larry has been at the forefront: fighting for less government intervention in the private sector, lower taxes for American families and businesses, and putting restraints on the out-of-control spending in Washington. Furthermore, Larry knows as well as anyone, that the freedom for Americans to engage in economic exchange, whether across the street or across the globe, is the foundation of a robust, strong and growing economy and is also an indispensable part of our broader competition with China. Throughout his career and specifically over the past year, Larry has been a strident advocate for tax reform that takes less out of the pockets of American families and business, and instead, leaves it to be invested in local communities to provide more jobs and further opportunities.

“We congratulate President Trump on an excellent pick, he will be well-served by Larry’s experience and advice at NEC, and American workers and families will reap the benefits of a vibrant and dynamic economy that produces opportunity for all.”