Mario Loyola Joins The Heritage Foundation as Senior Research Fellow for Energy, Climate, and Environment

Mario Loyola Joins The Heritage Foundation as Senior Research Fellow for Energy, Climate, and Environment

Jun 26, 2023 2 min read

Mario Loyola Joins The Heritage Foundation as Senior Research Fellow for Energy, Climate, and Environment

WASHINGTON—The Heritage Foundation announced today that Mario Loyola is joining the organization as a senior research fellow for the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment.

In his role at Heritage, Loyola will apply his expertise pertaining to energy and the environment to the research and analysis of governmental policies.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Director of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment at The Heritage Foundation, released the following statement on Loyola’s joining Heritage:

“As well as working in the White House and the Senate, Professor Mario Loyola has an extensive record of teaching as a law professor and writing peer-reviewed journal articles and op-eds for the layman. We are happy that Mario is moving to the next stage at Heritage where he can leverage his experience into meeting new challenges. At a time when President Biden is expanding the powers of administrative agencies beyond what Congress envisaged, with new energy and environmental rules coming out regularly from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, and other agencies, we are fortunate to have Mario to present the legal errors and economic costs of these policies.”

Loyola is a professor of environmental and administrative law at Florida International University, where he is the director of the Environmental Finance and Risk Management Program. Most recently, he served as a fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, he was associate director for regulatory reform at the White House Council on Environmental Quality from 2017 to 2019, and he has also served in the U.S. Senate and at the Department of Defense.

Loyola has published extensively in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, and The Atlantic, in addition to academic and policy journals. He received a BA in European History from the University of Wisconsin and a JD from Washington University School of Law.