Morgan on Historically Low Deportation Numbers: Biden Administration Making U.S. "Sanctuary Country"

Morgan on Historically Low Deportation Numbers: Biden Administration Making U.S. "Sanctuary Country"

May 6, 2021 2 min read

WASHINGTON – Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Heritage Foundation visiting fellow, released a statement Thursday in response to new reports that deportations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) dropped to an all-time low in April. These numbers come just months after the Biden administration implemented new guidance severely restricting ICE’s ability to deport illegal aliens

“I was in federal law enforcement for more than 30 years, and never until the Biden administration have I seen such a bold effort to tie the hands of law enforcement from upholding the rule of law.  


“The Biden administration, through Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, wasted no time upon assuming office in restricting ICE’s ability to do its job—enforce our laws and ensure that others respect those laws. The new guidance DHS issued made it effectively impossible for ICE to deport up to 90% of illegal aliens in the U.S.  


“In the eyes of President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas, the only illegal aliens ICE should be deporting are potential terrorists and spies, or convicted aggravated felons. The Biden administration, through its actions and policies, has signaled that anyone here illegally that does not fit those categories is welcome to stay—despite the fact they have broken our laws simply by crossing the border illegally and in many cases have defied a court order calling for their removal. 


“To the millions of Americans confused as to why the Biden administration is doing this, understand that it is, sadly, all by design. Their strategy is clear: end strong policies that were stopping illegal immigration, process and release as many illegal aliens at the border as quickly as possible, and then remove ICE’s authority to deport these individuals once they are in the country. 


“The Biden administration and far-left members of Congress view these individuals as potential new voters down the line, especially if they can ram through a radical amnesty proposal for the tens of millions of illegal aliens already here. Forget sanctuary cities—this administration is rapidly turning the U.S. into a sanctuary country.”