National Coronavirus Recovery Commission Releases Spanish-Language PSA to Promote Health and Safety

National Coronavirus Recovery Commission Releases Spanish-Language PSA to Promote Health and Safety

Jun 1, 2020 2 min read

WASHINGTON — The COVID-19 pandemic has hit minority communities particularly hard. Available data indicate that death rates of Hispanic persons are 164% higher than the death rates for white persons. Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and member of the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, today released a Spanish-language public service announcement encouraging common-sense health and safety measures.

"There is a lot of information released by the government, by the media, and on social media,” Rodriguez said. “But the question is, what can we really do to stay safe? How can I protect my family and my community from this virus?

"All Americans benefit when we avoid exposure to the coronavirus and seek medical help if you’re showing COVID-19 symptoms. The data shows that Hispanic communities are especially at risk of a disproportionate impact from the coronavirus. I want to spread information that saves lives in a format these communities can best benefit from. That’s why I released this PSA in Spanish directed at the heavily hit Hispanic communities."

This is the second public service announcement released by The Heritage Foundation’s National Coronavirus Recovery Commission. Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James, the commission’s chairman, encouraged minority communities to follow common-sense health and safety measures. James’ PSA has been featured in media markets nationwide, as well as cities such as Chicago and Richmond.

The commission recently released a set of 264 recommendations to save lives and livelihoods in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. While governments at every level have critical roles to play, so too do businesses, churches, and civil society.

For example, the commission has recommended that the president task federal health agencies with investigating causes of the virus’s disparate impact on minority communities and called for increased outreach to minority communities in partnership with grassroots and civil society organizations.

The leaders we’ve brought together on the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission recognize that public education will play a critical role in encouraging people to protect their loved ones rather than exposing them to infection,” said Rob Bluey, commission spokesman. “Americans must continue to be vigilant as our states work to safely reopen. We hope Rev. Samuel Rodriguez’s message is able to help those getting hit hardest by the coronavirus stay healthy and safe.”

Heritage and the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission are making the audio and video PSAs available for media outlets and other organizations. They are available at the links below.



A Spanish translation of this press release can be found here.