“No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care”

“No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care”

New book from The Heritage Foundation details the true devastation that the Left’s plans would have on Americans’ health care.

Oct 13, 2020 2 min read

WASHINGTON—America’s health care has serious problems that need fixing. Outdated laws and excessive regulations still make it difficult for too many Americans to choose health coverage they can afford that best meets their needs.

But those problems would only be compounded if the government gets more control over America’s health care. That’s precisely what the Left is aiming to do, according to a new book out today.

“No Choice, No Exit: The Left’s Plans for Your Health Care” cuts through the rhetoric and offers a fact-driven review of the health reform plans that liberal policy advocates and lawmakers want to enact.

From the public option to Medicare for All, the book examines all of the existing legislation and health reform plans from the Left and how those plans would impact Americans’ health care.

“It is not surprising that Americans are looking for a solution to America’s health care problems—rising costs and gaps in coverage and quality,” the book notes.

“These concerns can’t be answered by further expanding government control over American health care. That path ends in unprecedented tax increases and public debt, discourages innovation, and gives politicians too much control over deeply personal decisions—in some cases, life and death decisions.”

Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James warns in the book’s foreword: “If you think your insurance company is stingy when it comes to covering certain claims or is terrible at providing customer service, wait until the government is the only ‘insurer’ in the country and there is no competitor to drive prices down or drive quality up.”

Edited by Heritage Foundation scholars Robert Moffit, PhD, and Marie Fishpaw, the book includes contributions from Nina Owcharenko Schaefer, Edmund Haislmaier, Jamie Bryan Hall, and visiting fellow Dr. Kevin Pham.

It also includes analysis from outside experts including Tim Evans, PhD, Peter St. Onge, PhD, Bacchus Barua, and Steven Globerman, PhD.

The authors explain not only how government-run health care would be bad for patients and doctors in America, but how real-life examples of governments running health care in Canada and Great Britain have wreaked havoc on patients.

The entire book can be accessed here. Print copies are also available.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-Louisiana) praised the book, saying it “cuts through the rhetoric to explain the consequences of proposals purporting to save a family money by raising their taxes and limiting their health care choices.”

“The publication is timely, as health care will be part of the debate for the presidential campaign and into the next Congress,” he added.

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) noted “this book provides a go-to source as we continue the difficult debates about the federal presence in health care.”

Dr. Scott Atlas, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution who serves as an advisor on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, also endorsed the book. “I highly recommend this book to all those who believe that facts matter.”

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