Oversight Project Director on Hunter Biden’s Plea Collapse: ‘No Deal’

Oversight Project Director on Hunter Biden’s Plea Collapse: ‘No Deal’

Jul 26, 2023 1 min read

WILMINGTON, Del.—As Hunter Biden’s plea deal unraveled Wednesday, Heritage Foundation Oversight Project Director Mike Howell witnessed firsthand the stunning turn of the events in the courtroom of U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika. The Oversight Project filed an 860-page amicus brief, the first organization to do so. Howell made the following statement:

“No deal. Something is rotten in the state of Delaware and Judge Noreika sniffed it out today. We’re thrilled her reasoning tracked with the arguments we laid out in our brief to the court. Hunter Biden won’t be able to use this sweetheart plea deal as a get-out-of-jail free card for any charges that may arise from the ongoing investigation into him. And that means President Biden didn’t get a pass either.


“Judge Noreika should be commended for pumping the brakes on this plea deal. Hunter Biden should stand trial and be held accountable for any criminal behavior he may have committed. Americans expect that the rule of law is applied equally, regardless of wealth or political connections. This is a win for the American people and an important victory against Biden’s weaponized Department of Justice.”