President Donald Trump to Deliver Keynote Speech at Heritage Event in Florida

President Donald Trump to Deliver Keynote Speech at Heritage Event in Florida

Apr 5, 2022 2 min read

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump will deliver a keynote speech to top Heritage Foundation supporters later this month at an event in Florida.

President Trump’s speech will serve as the latest in a series of policy addresses from conservative leaders at Heritage. It comes as Heritage embarks on advancing its own strategic priorities, which will comprise the core of the conservative policy agenda in 2022 and beyond.

“America is facing dark times and tremendous plight due to the radical shift away from America First,” President Trump said. “However, America’s greatness is not lost if we act with purpose. We can and must turn this around to Save America.”

Heritage supported many of President Trump’s accomplishments, including his Supreme Court appointments, cutting taxes and federal regulations, championing pro-life policies, enforcing immigration laws, expanding domestic energy production, and advancing American interests on the world stage while becoming the first president in decades not to start any new wars.

During his four years as president, his administration worked closely with Heritage on a number of policy initiatives. In addition, dozens of Heritage staff and alumni worked in the Trump administration; several of whom have since returned to Heritage.

“President Trump always put the American people first while serving in the White House and continues to be an advocate for commonsense solutions to this day,” Heritage President Kevin Roberts said. “We’re grateful that he will join us in Florida to discuss the significant issues facing our country and pinpoint the failures of the Biden-Harris regime. We need bold leaders who speak candidly, and President Trump is unafraid to do so—even as Big Tech and the media attempt to silence him.”

Heritage has a robust history of providing policy recommendations that presidents embrace—from President Ronald Reagan to Trump. Over the next three years, Heritage will focus on making sure the next president has the policy and people needed to fight for America’s future.

Roberts outlined Heritage’s agenda at an event Thursday. The strategic priorities, “Fighting for America’s Future,” include seven of the most important challenges facing America—some familiar and others new. Policymakers must address these challenges to make America solvent, stronger, and safer today and for generations to come.

  • Empower parents to make education choices
  • Secure America’s borders and reduce crime
  • Ensure free and fair elections
  • Reverse the growth of spending and inflation
  • Counter the threat of Communist China
  • Hold Big Tech accountable
  • Protect the unborn

Learn more about Heritage’s strategic policy priorities here.

Additional details about Trump’s speech will be announced later this month.