Statement: President Trump's Executive Order on Health Care Step In Right Direction

Statement: President Trump's Executive Order on Health Care Step In Right Direction

Oct 12, 2017 1 min read

Following President Donald Trump signing an executive order today regarding health insurance regulations, Heritage Foundation senior fellow Robert Moffit offered the following reaction:

"In the absence of congressional action to address Obamacare's damage, ​President Trump’s Executive Order today on health care is a step in the right direction.

​It ​begins to ​help ​those most hurt by Obamacare​--the self-employed and small business employees--​who face skyrocketing insurance costs and reduced plan choice. They need relief.

President Trump is right to ​ask the Department of Labor to help by exploring ways to make it easier for small businesses to band together and secure coverage similar to plans offered by larger employers. That will allow them to escape Obamacare’s costly insurance benefit mandates and access new health plans run by associations.

​The President’s policy ​expand​s​ consumer choice​. It provides access to more insurance options. It enables more small employers to offer coverage to their workers. Newly enrolled individuals could save money (up to​ 20 percent or 50 percent) ​by ​being able to take advantage of the tax break for employer-provided health insurance."