Project 2025 Announces Latest Additions to Presidential Administration Academy

Project 2025 Announces Latest Additions to Presidential Administration Academy

Nov 3, 2023 2 min read

WASHINGTONProject 2025, a coalition of more than 75 partners led by The Heritage Foundation to prepare for the next conservative presidential administration, released three additional training videos today via its Presidential Administration Academy. The Presidential Administration Academy is a unique educational and skill-building program that equips conservatives with the skills necessary to be effective policy professionals in the next conservative administration.  

Paul Dans, director of the 2025 Presidential Transition Project and former chief of staff at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) during the Trump administration, commented on the expansion of the program: 

“For decades, the administrative state has had a stranglehold on Washington and has weaponized its power against conservative presidents to stymie their agendas. No longer. Through the Presidential Administration Academy, the conservative movement will be better equipped than ever before to take power on Day One of the next administration.” 

The three new videos are part of a larger certificate program called “The Administrative State & the Regulatory Process” and bring the total number of training videos on the platform to 20. The newly released videos are “The Administrative State: What it is & How to Address the Problem,” “How to Promulgate a Rule,” and “Taking the Reins: How Conservatives Can Win the Regulations Game." These new videos, as well as the entire Presidential Administration Academy, are an unprecedented tool for those looking to serve as a conservative political appointee in the executive branch. 

Throughout this certificate program, experts, many of whom have served in previous administrations, walk viewers through the intricacies of the regulatory process and discuss the role of federal agencies and how conservatives can prevail over the schemes of the Left to become effective federal regulators.  

David Burton, senior fellow in economic policy at The Heritage Foundation and an instructor in one of the newly released videos, commented on the project:  

"The work being done by Project 2025 will help conservatives achieve actual policy victories rather than just talk about them. The Presidential Administration Academy equips those who hope to serve in the executive branch with the skills and knowledge necessary to hit the ground running on inauguration day. The complexity of the federal government can be daunting, and that is why it's crucial to learn now so that conservatives can take action on Day One.” 

Project 2025 is made up of a broad coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure a successful administration begins in January 2025. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook. The Heritage Foundation is joined by more than 75 partner organizations in this effort to ensure that the transition team is ready on Day One.