Republican Study Committee’s ‘Drain the Swamp’ Plan Draws From Heritage Recommendations

Republican Study Committee’s ‘Drain the Swamp’ Plan Draws From Heritage Recommendations

Feb 6, 2020 1 min read

Rachel Greszler speaks at the RSC GEAR Task Force Forum

WASHINGTON – The Republican Study Committee (RSC)’s Government Efficiency, Accountability, and Reform (GEAR) Task Force released a new report today with policy recommendations to reform the federal government. Rachel Greszler, Heritage Foundation research fellow, said the following:

While the government literally cannot count how many federal programs exist, the RSC has taken a deep dive into the swamp’s murky bureaucracy. Their new report produced more than 100 policy solutions that would help the government improve its efficiency and accountability to better serve the American people.


Of these 100+ proposals, well over half align with recommendations from The Heritage Foundation. Many of the commonsense ideas — like not sending Social Security checks to dead people, removing federal employees who commit crimes, not paying federal employees to work for outside organizations, and helping the federal government compete with the private sector to attract and retain the workforce it needs — are things all Americans can get behind.