The Heritage Foundation Announces Recipient of 2024 Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award

The Heritage Foundation Announces Recipient of 2024 Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award

May 7, 2024 2 min read

WASHINGTON — Today, The Heritage Foundation announced the recipient of the 2024 Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award, María Cristina Cortez Cox.

Cristina Cortez of Libertad y Desarrollo (LyD), Chile's leading think tank, has been a committed advocate of promoting economic freedom and advancing the defense of Liberty in Chile. Cortez obtained degrees in communication and social sciences and briefly served the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency as a press advisor. Since 2014, Cortez has been Communications Director of LyD. Established in 1990, LyD is a leading private think tank, an intellectual powerhouse dedicated to the study and analysis of public policies, promoting the values and principles of a free society.

Over the past years, Cortez has been responsible for developing and implementing effective communication strategies as well as managing various media projects and publications for LyD. In particular, Cortez has been the key contact point for spreading the findings of the Heritage Foundation's annual Index of Economic Freedom through media outlets in Chile. Cortez's tireless work and her proven professionalism in the dissemination of economic freedom and the defense of liberty as Communications Director of LyD has earned her this year's Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award.

Anthony Kim, Research Fellow in Economic Freedom and Editor of the Index of Economic Freedom at The Heritage Foundation added:

"As well recognized by this year's Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award, Cristina Cortez of Libertad y Desarrollo has been a staunch ally of economic freedom and a committed partner for The Heritage Foundation's annual Index of Economic Freedom. Her ongoing work matters for Chile's defense and advancement of liberty more than ever."

The Heritage Foundation’s Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award was established in 2020 to recognize and encourage individuals and organizations that notably contribute to promoting free-market principles and policies. The late Daniel Doron, founder of the Israeli Center for Social and Economic Progress, was the first recipient of the award in 2021. Marcin Nowacki, vice president of the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers in Poland, and Javier Fernandez-Lasquetty in Spain were honored with the Steven M. Sass Economic Freedom Award in 2022 and 2023, respectively.


On February 26 this year, the Heritage Foundation released the 2024 edition of its annual Index of Economic Freedom. The new report shows economic freedom deteriorating across the globe over the past years. Launched in 1995, the Index of Economic Freedom evaluates countries in four broad policy areas that affect economic freedom: rule of law; government size; regulatory efficiency; and open markets.

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