Yoest: Trump Administration Finds California’s Abortion Coverage Mandate Violates Federal Conscience Rights Law

Yoest: Trump Administration Finds California’s Abortion Coverage Mandate Violates Federal Conscience Rights Law

Jan 24, 2020 1 min read

WASHINGTONCharmaine Yoest, vice president for the Institute of Family, Community, and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation, released the following response on the announcement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that it would issue a notice of violation to California for its abortion coverage mandate.

"No one should be compelled to participate in practices that violate their sincere moral, ethical, or religious convictions. Yet, California has done this by imposing a universal abortion coverage mandate on health insurance plans, including plans for churches and religious orders.

As hundreds of thousands of Americans march today in Washington to protect the sanctity of life, we applaud the Trump administration for putting all states on notice. Abortion coverage mandates like this one violate federal conscience laws and force patients to unwillingly purchase coverage that goes against their deeply held beliefs. 

Our nation has a long and proud history of protecting the conscience rights of Americans. Today’s action reinforces the Trump administration’s commitment to this fundamental American principle."