Expand Education Freedom

Policy Priorities

Expand Education Freedom

Parents, not bureaucrats, should be making decisions about their children’s education.

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The education system is failing our children—from the scourge of woke ideas like critical race theory and radical gender ideology to the lack of academic excellence and transparency. Parents, not bureaucrats, should be making decisions about their children’s education, aligned with their values. Heritage is focused on loosening Washington’s grip on K-12 and higher education. Heritage will work to safeguard parental authority over their children’s education, expand universal education choice, protect American taxpayers from bailouts of an academia wholly adrift, and reclaim institutions of higher education from the radical Left.

Heritage will spearhead reforms at the state level to expand education choice while working to limit federal intervention in education, with the goal of ultimately eliminating the U.S. Department of Education.

Quick Stats:

  • Only 36 percent of all Americans have either a “great deal” or “quite a lot” of confidence in higher education, according to Gallup (2023).
  • Seven out of 10 Americans believe K-12 education is on the “wrong track.” A full three-quarters (75%) of Americans support school choice in the form of education savings accounts.

Learn More: Education