November 17, 2021 How Government Intervention is Hurting Competition in Hospital Markets, Increasing Patient Costs, and Limiting Choice
Join us as we discuss the timely and critical issue of hospital market consolidation and identify solutions that will remove costly government barriers and adopt pro-competition policies.
Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Hosted by
Hospital market consolidation is a problem for every American, a problem that has generally been caused by the government. This government intervention has led to a harmful lack of competition in the nation’s hospital markets that undermines patient choice and increases consumers’ costs. Conversely, strong market competition not only increases patient choice and controls costs, but also stimulates innovation in health care delivery and improves the quality of care. Consumer-driven market competition can deliver what government bureaucracy cannot: fast, efficient, personalized, and patient-centered care. Join us as we discuss this timely and critical issue and identify solutions that will remove costly government barriers and adopt pro-competition policies.
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COMMENTARY 7 min read
COMMENTARY 3 min read