Reforming Journalism

Event Religious Liberty
Event Religious Liberty

January 22, 2020 Reforming Journalism

Is there such thing as "Christian" journalism? What would that look like?

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The Heritage Foundation

214 Massachusetts Ave NE
Washington, DC


Marvin Olasky

Marvin Olasky is editor in chief of World and the author of more than 20 books, including "The Tragedy of American Compassion."


Is there such thing as "Christian" journalism? What would that look like? In this three-part work, editor in chief of World magazine Marvin Olasky (1) lays out foundational principles of journalism, explaining why and how journalism ought to be done, (2) addresses practical, nuts-and-bolts issues such as interviewing subjects, structuring news stories, and responding to complaints, and (3) closes with a historical overview of journalism in the United States. Throughout the book, he points to the example of Christian journalists in China, who courageously continue a nearly three-thousand year history of news reporting in the face of government pressures. You will learn how to be a more discerning reader of news as well as a competent citizen-reporter in your own community.

~ Books will be available for purchase and to be signed by the author. ~

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