Lawrence Whitman, formerly the director of the Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies at Heritage, appeared on MSNBC's "Nachman" Tuesday evening, to discuss the President's economic summit.
Confidence on the part of consumers, investors and business
owners is an integral part to the economy. And the greater the
confidence people have across the spectrum, the greater the chance
for economic growth going forward. That's why it's important for
the President to hear the views of people, ordinary people as well
as CEO's and academics, and for the President to get out in front
and lead on this issue, and inspire confidence in people.
So this "feel good" stuff, no matter how ephemeral it is, can
be meaningful in the economic reality, correct?
It's not just that it's ephemeral, it's what some economists
have called "animal spirit." It's what people perceive about the
future as well as the present that effects their behavior now.