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Displaying 6013 - 6024 of 7161 Results


Shaping and Safeguarding the U.S.-China Barbara Franklin

Jul 13, 1998 18 min read


Health Care and Medical Malpractice Reform: The Necessity of Reform in the Cu... The Honorable John Cornyn

Jan 28, 2010 16 min read


New START, U.S. Strategy, and How Much Is Enough? Dr. Keith B. Payne, Ph.D.

Sep 23, 2010 15 min read


Building a Robust National Defense The Honorable Howard P. "Buck" McKeon

Feb 24, 2010 16 min read


Beyond the Axis of Evil: Additional Threats from Weapons of Mass Destruction The Honorable John R. Bolton

May 6, 2002 17 min read


The Prospect for Freedom: Can the U.S. Sustain Its Experiment in Self-Governm... Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Feb 13, 2014 16 min read


The U.S. Commitment to Refugee Protection and Assistance: A Humanitarian and ... The Honorable Ellen R. Sauerbrey

Jul 14, 2006 18 min read


U.S. Diplomacy Toward Latin America: A Legacy of Uneven Engagement Stephen Johnson

Aug 23, 2005 14 min read


Judicial Usurpation and the Constitution: Historical and Contemporary Issues Robert P. George

Apr 11, 2005 19 min read


The NLRB Can Protect Worker Voting Rights Administratively James Sherk

Jan 19, 2017 23 min read