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Displaying 3097 - 3108 of 26157 Results


Ethanol: The political fuel Ernest Istook

Apr 18, 2008 6 min read


Medicare Malady #19: Who Are We Kidding Here? The Heritage Foundation

Aug 6, 2003 1 min read


A Valentine’s Day Wish for Free Trade Bryan Riley

Feb 8, 2011 1 min read


Brazil Has Fallen Into Its Worst Recession Since 1930s James M. Roberts

Jan 19, 2016 1 min read


The Facts About China’s Currency, Chinese Subsidies, and American Jobs Derek Scissors, Ph.D.

Oct 4, 2011 12 min read


Executive Summary: Will Sprawl Gobble Up America's Land? Federal Data Reveal ... Ronald D. Utt, Ph.D.

May 30, 2002 4 min read

Issue Brief

The Truth About Investment in China Bryan Burack

Mar 20, 2024 11 min read


Making Sense of Competing Tax Reform Plans Darnel J. Mitchell

Feb 22, 1996 12 min read