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Displaying 5269 - 5280 of 6291 Results


Expansion of Safety-Net Programs During the COVID-19 Crisis Leslie Ford

Jul 16, 2020 20 min read


Keeping a Republic: Overcoming the Corrupted Judiciary The Honorable Robert H. Bork

Feb 24, 2010 15 min read


India and Pakistan: On the Heels of President Bush's Visit The Honorable R. Nicholas Burns

Mar 13, 2006 17 min read


Change Partners: Who Are America's Military and Economic Allies in the 21st C... Larry M. Wortzel, PhD

Jun 6, 2005 15 min read


Alaska's Strategic Role in the Defense of the United States and the Vital Rol... The Honorable Mark Begich

Sep 10, 2009 15 min read


The Perils of Prediction and Unpreparedness in Building the Future Force Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Sep 2, 2009 15 min read


The Lasting Leadership of Ronald Reagan The Honorable Jesse Helms

Mar 16, 2001 16 min read


New Terrorist Threats and How to Counter Them Ambassador L. Paul Bremer

Jul 31, 2000 16 min read