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Displaying 5401 - 5412 of 6291 Results


Shaping and Safeguarding the U.S.-China Barbara Franklin

Jul 13, 1998 18 min read


Beyond the Axis of Evil: Additional Threats from Weapons of Mass Destruction The Honorable John R. Bolton

May 6, 2002 17 min read


The Prospect for Freedom: Can the U.S. Sustain Its Experiment in Self-Governm... Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Feb 13, 2014 16 min read


The U.S. Commitment to Refugee Protection and Assistance: A Humanitarian and ... The Honorable Ellen R. Sauerbrey

Jul 14, 2006 18 min read


Security and Defense: Making Sense of the Special Relationship The Right Honorable Liam Fox, MP

Apr 27, 2006 18 min read


Risks and Opportunities of a Rising China Larry M. Wortzel, PhD

Jun 22, 2006 17 min read


U.S. Diplomacy Toward Latin America: A Legacy of Uneven Engagement Stephen Johnson

Aug 23, 2005 14 min read


From Crisis to Commonwealth: CAFTA and Democracy in Our Neighborhood The Honorable Robert B. Zoellick

May 25, 2005 16 min read


Trade Policy and Election Promises: Does the Rhetoric Match the Facts? Ambassador Terry Miller

Apr 1, 2008 17 min read


The Best U.S. Export-Promotion Strategy: Free Trade Daniella Markheim

May 7, 2008 15 min read