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Displaying 13957 - 13968 of 15040 Results

Conservative Perspectives

Free Markets, the Institutions of Liberty, and the Common Good Iain Murray

Feb 21, 2024 43 min read

Conservative Perspectives

The Good That Markets Do Samuel Gregg, Ph.D.

Feb 21, 2024 38 min read

Legal Memo

The Intellectual Failings of Antiracism GianCarlo Canaparo

Dec 8, 2023 About an hour read


Why an Unreformed Medicare System is Hazardous to Your Health Sandra Mahkorn

Jun 18, 1999 37 min read


The Prescription Drug User Fee Act: History and Reauthorization Issues for 2012 Amanda Rae Kronquist

Dec 21, 2011 30 min read


Consequences of the Employee Free Choice Act: Union and Management Perspectives Homer L. Deakins, Jr.

Apr 27, 2009 35 min read


The Polish-American Relationship: Deepening and Strengthening theAlliance Sally McNamara

Feb 27, 2007 About an hour read


Laser and Charged Particle Beam Weapons Samuel T.

Jun 9, 1977 11 min read


WHO Pandemic Treaty Remains Fatally Flawed

Feb 5, 2024 17 min read


America Needs a Grand Strategy Robert L. Wilkie

Nov 3, 2021 11 min read