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Displaying 673 - 684 of 15038 Results


How Washington Is Spending Your Taxes in 2009 Brian M. Riedl

Jul 31, 2009 3 min read


How Washington Will Spend Your Taxes in 2006 Brian M. Riedl

Apr 14, 2006 3 min read


Bipartisan Entitlement Commission Needed to Control Spending and Debt Stuart M. Butler, Ph.D.

Nov 16, 2009 5 min read


What George Bush Is Not Being Told About Federal Spending Scott A. Hodge, Robert Rector

Mar 4, 1992 18 min read


A Strategy to Eliminate Wasteful Federal Spending The Honorable Sam Brownback

Oct 28, 2003 11 min read


Federal Budget Bills Close to Target but Should Cut Deeper Patrick Louis Knudsen

Nov 2, 2011 4 min read


The Budget Summit Agreement, Part IV: The Myth of Entitlement Reform Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Oct 3, 1990 3 min read


The Budget Summit Agreement, Part V: Faulty Economic Assumptions Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Oct 4, 1990 3 min read


Why a Tax Limitation/Balanced Budget Amendment is Needed to ControlSpending Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Feb 19, 1997 15 min read