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Displaying 14029 - 14040 of 26211 Results


A Better Way to Pay: Five Rules for Reforming Teacher Compensation Jason Richwine, Ph.D.

Apr 24, 2012 10 min read


Sovereign Wealth Funds and U.S. National Security Daniella Markheim

Mar 6, 2008 10 min read


Time for the Federal Budget Process to Include Unfunded Entitlement Obligations Alison Acosta Fraser

Feb 3, 2005 38 min read


A Guide to Wetlands Policy and Reauthorization of the Clean Water Act John Shanahan

Jun 22, 1994 31 min read


Fixing the Dodd–Frank Derivatives Mess: Repeal Titles VII and VIII Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Nov 16, 2015 36 min read


Rising Consumer Prices: Time to Eliminate Government-Imposed Economic Roadblocks Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Aug 20, 2021 About an hour read


Human Dignity and the Foundations of Human Rights Paolo G. Carozza

Dec 31, 2020 41 min read


The Fed Should Not Create a Digital U.S. Dollar Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Aug 26, 2020 7 min read