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Displaying 1969 - 1980 of 26106 Results

Issue Brief

AUKUS Is a Good First Step, But It Needs to Go Further

Mar 4, 2024 14 min read


Top 11 Areas for Congressional Action on the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty in 2015 Ted R. Bromund, PhD

Dec 19, 2014 5 min read


Afghanistan Three Years Later: More U.S. Help Needed James Phillips

Dec 27, 1982 21 min read


Preserve the Constitution

The Heritage Foundation’s Preserve the Constitution Series seeks to restore the courts to their proper constitutional role and to enforce the constitutional limits on...



Beware of Obama's Healthcare Trickery Ernest Istook

Sep 15, 2009 4 min read


Arafat's Duplicity Killed the Peace Process James Phillips

Apr 4, 2001 3 min read