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Displaying 12529 - 12540 of 21714 Results


The Fed Should Have Only 1 Mandate: Monetary Neutrality Norbert J. Michel, Ph.D.

Apr 25, 2019 8 min read


CBO Confirms: Long-Run Fiscal Outlook Remains Grim J.D. Foster, Ph.D.

Dec 17, 2007 7 min read


Federal Budget Bills Close to Target but Should Cut Deeper Patrick Louis Knudsen

Nov 2, 2011 4 min read


The Three Biggest Myths About Tax Cuts and the Budget Deficit Brian M. Riedl

Jun 21, 2010 19 min read


Why a Balanced Budget. Amendment Must Include True Tax Limitation Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Jan 24, 1995 9 min read


The Fed’s QE2 and the Economy: Sailing to Safety or a Ship of Fools? J.D. Foster, Ph.D.

Oct 25, 2010 9 min read


Azerbaijan: Aspirations, Regional Issues, and Global Concerns His Excellency Elmar Mammadyarov

Jul 12, 2006 11 min read


U.S. Strategic Objectives in South Asia Dana Robert Dillon

Jul 7, 2005 10 min read


Impact Evaluation of COPS Grants in Large Cities David B. Muhlhausen, Ph.D.

May 26, 2006 About an hour read


Coronavirus Recovery Events

The Heritage Foundation formed The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission on April 9, 2020, with the goal of outlining a balanced strategy—an approach that is broad...


Trade Policy and Election Promises: Does the Rhetoric Match the Facts? Ambassador Terry Miller

Apr 1, 2008 17 min read