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Displaying 15697 - 15708 of 21746 Results


Responding to Gorbachev's 'New Thinking' in the Middle East James Phillips

Jun 16, 1989 22 min read


A Ten Point Program for Increasing the Allies' Share of Defense Costs Richard D. Jr.

Jan 17, 1989 23 min read


The Case for Cautiously Resuming Washington-Beijing Military Ties Andrew B. Brick

Dec 6, 1990 22 min read


Blackout Underscores Need for Responsible National Energy Policy Charli E. Coon

Aug 18, 2003 1 min read

Katharine Cornell Gorka @GorkaKatie

Katie Gorka was a research fellow for outreach at The Heritage Foundation.


Mary Clare Amselem @MCAmselem

Mary Clare was a policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation.