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Displaying 1825 - 1836 of 21679 Results


The National Economic Commission: A Tax-Hike Trojan Horse Stuart M.

Sep 30, 1988 3 min read


Nov 21

1:00pm - 2:30pm

Preserving Freedom in Tibet

Washington, DC Live Streamed


The Future of Religious Freedom

It is vital that the Supreme Court uphold First Amendment protections in the face of hostility to those who believe marriage is between one man and one woman.


How “Collective Human Rights” Undermine Individual Human Rights Aaron Rhodes

Jun 25, 2020 About an hour read


Jamaica After the Election: Opportunity for Economic Recovery Jeffrey G.

Jan 26, 1981 22 min read

Special Report

A Conservative Defense Budget for Fiscal Year 2025

Apr 2, 2024 Over an hour read


Trump Considers a Cut in the Capital Gains Tax Adam Michel

Aug 17, 2020 4 min read


Boxer–Sanders Carbon Tax: Economic Impact

Apr 11, 2013 6 min read


The Dole Tax Package: Selling America Another Lemon Thomas M.

Nov 14, 1983 12 min read