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Displaying 20785 - 20796 of 21655 Results


Eight Steps to Eliminate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—Permanently David C. John

Apr 10, 2013 25 min read


"The AWACS Sale: Prospects for U.S, Policy" James Phillips

Oct 16, 1981 25 min read


How Congress Can Restore Local and Parental Control Over Education Christine L. Olson

Apr 8, 1996 About an hour read


How Congress Can Restore Local and Parental Control Over Education Christine L. Olson

Apr 8, 1996 44 min read

Special Report

Driving Down the Psychedelic Highway Paul J. Larkin

Mar 15, 2024 Over an hour read


Antitrust and Professionals: A Tough Choice Catherine England

Dec 6, 1982 17 min read


The U.S.–U.K. Extradition Treaty: In the Interest of Both Nations Ted R. Bromund, PhD

Aug 30, 2010 21 min read