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Displaying 3481 - 3492 of 21687 Results


Creating a Better Social Security System for America Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Apr 23, 1997 Over an hour read


China's Missile Diplomacy: A Test of American Resolve in Asia Richard D. Fisher

Mar 12, 1996 7 min read


The Power of Words: Reflections on 1,000 Heritage Lectures,1980-2007 Lee Edwards, Ph.D.

Dec 17, 2007 About an hour read

James Imoehl

James served as the Chief of Staff to the President at The Heritage Foundation.


Europe-Russia-America: Determining Factors of Cooperation in the 21st Century Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.

Sep 10, 2002 11 min read


Could Violent Protests in Hong Kong Backfire? Olivia Enos

Jul 10, 2019 2 min read


Why the United States Should Not Join the Inter-Parliamentary Union Ted R. Bromund, PhD

Mar 18, 2009 5 min read