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Displaying 8857 - 8868 of 13178 Results

Thomas A. Saunders III

Heritage Trustee from 2005 to 2022 | He died September 11, 2022.


The Static at National Public Radio Mark Huber

Jun 17, 1985 18 min read


Barack Obama and the Crisis of Liberalism Charles R. Kesler, Ph.D.

Oct 15, 2012 38 min read


Ten Deceptive Myths About Social Security, the Budget and theEconomy Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Aug 23, 2001 13 min read


What Could Have Been: How PRAs Would Have Benefited the BabyBoomers Kirk A. Johnson, Ph.D.

Mar 29, 2005 12 min read


The Costly Congress Becomes More Costly William G. Laffer III

May 30, 1991 9 min read


The Four Pillars of Reaganomics Arthur Laffer

Jan 16, 2007 10 min read


The Four Big Lies of the "New" Budget Agreement Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Oct 19, 1990 9 min read