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Displaying 6193 - 6204 of 7274 Results


India and Pakistan: On the Heels of President Bush's Visit The Honorable R. Nicholas Burns

Mar 13, 2006 17 min read


Boots on the Ground: The Impact of Stability Operations on the Armies That Mu... Major General Jonathon P. Riley

Aug 8, 2005 17 min read


Improving U.S. Public Diplomacy Toward the Middle East Stephen Johnson

May 24, 2004 14 min read


Thinking About the Imperatives of Defense Transformation The Honorable Paul Wolfowitz

Apr 30, 2004 18 min read


The Perils of Prediction and Unpreparedness in Building the Future Force Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D.

Sep 2, 2009 15 min read


The Dignity of Democracy The Honorable C. J. Chen

Aug 1, 2001 16 min read


A New Strategy for Control of Illegal Immigration The Honorable Thomas G. Tancredo

Oct 26, 2006 15 min read


A State Perspective on the Past and Future of No Child Left Behind The Honorable Tom Horne

May 14, 2007 14 min read


Rebirth, Return, Reunion: Hungary's Euro-Atlantic Agenda His Excellency Arpad Goncz

Oct 26, 1995 14 min read