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Displaying 6337 - 6348 of 7274 Results


The Role of the Coast Guard in Homeland Security Admiral James M. Loy

Dec 21, 2001 19 min read


The Trump Administration’s Reorganization Plan: What Congress Should Do John W. York, Ph.D.

Nov 27, 2018 23 min read


Long Live the Revolution Midge Decter

Apr 21, 1995 16 min read


Federal Litigation Against the Tobacco Industry: Elevating Politics Over Law Todd F. Gaziano

Jul 30, 1999 About an hour read


The Six Trillion Dollar Debt Iceberg; A Review of the Government'sRisk Exposure William G. Laffer III

Jun 28, 1990 About an hour read


Impact Evaluation of COPS Grants in Large Cities David B. Muhlhausen, Ph.D.

May 26, 2006 About an hour read


The FEHBP as a Model for Medicare Reform: Separating Fact fromFiction Walton Francis

Aug 7, 2003 About an hour read