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Displaying 685 - 696 of 3185 Results

Patrick Tyrrell

Patrick Tyrrell was a Research Coordinator in The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret That...


The Case for Capitalism Lee Edwards, Ph.D.

May 21, 2020 8 min read


Understanding Tyranny and Terror: From the French Revolution to Modern Islamism Waller R. Newell, PhD

Jun 30, 2015 37 min read

Jamie Bryan Hall

Jamie was a Research Fellow for quantitative analysis in the Center for Data Analysis...


How Farm Subsidies Harm Taxpayers, Consumers, and Farmers, Too Brian M. Riedl

Jun 20, 2007 22 min read


Be Nice to Liberals Day

Jun 21, 2004 3 min read


Life With -- and Without -- Father Rebecca Hagelin

Jun 13, 2006 3 min read


States' Addiction to Welfare Corrupts Federalist System Michael Franc

Mar 3, 2007 3 min read


Passing the Asset Test for Food Stamps David C. John

Sep 22, 2007 3 min read