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Displaying 16861 - 16872 of 17079 Results


Free the Housing Finance Market from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac David C. John

Jul 12, 2011 21 min read


The Limits of the Pakistan-China Alliance

Jan 19, 2012 21 min read


The Constitution and Its Promise The Honorable Anthony M. Kennedy

Feb 14, 2013 26 min read


The Dragon Looks West: China and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ariel Cohen, Ph.D.

Sep 7, 2006 24 min read


A New Direction in Policing: Changing Old Perceptions with a New Reality Joseph J. Santiago

Jun 13, 2001 28 min read


Proliferation: The Case for Export Controls Henry Sokolski

Mar 18, 1994 22 min read

First Principles

Big Tech and the Challenge of Self-Government Matthew B. Crawford

Jul 2, 2024 27 min read