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Displaying 14221 - 14232 of 17765 Results


Flat Tax or Sales Tax?  A Win-Win Choice For America Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Aug 14, 1997 About an hour read


Flat Tax or Sales Tax? A Win-Win Choice For America Daniel J. Mitchell, Ph.D.

Aug 14, 1997 About an hour read


Top 10 Reasons to Veto the Farm Bill Brian M. Riedl

Apr 17, 2002 11 min read


Expensive F-15EX Does Not Deliver: Congress Should Nix Its Purchase John Venable

Sep 8, 2020 13 min read


Liberalizing Agriculture: Why the U.S. Should Look to New Zealandand Australia Sara J. Fitzgerald

Feb 19, 2003 14 min read


Crafting a U.S. Refugee Policy for Asia and the World Jewel S.

Feb 1, 1990 10 min read


The Totally, Utterly Irrefutable Case Against Socialism Lee Edwards, Ph.D.

Jul 11, 2019 10 min read


Key Questions for Janet Napolitano, Nominee for Secretary of Homeland Security Jena Baker McNeill

Jan 13, 2009 11 min read


From Culture Wars to Conscience Wars: Emerging Threats to Conscience Thomas M. Messner

Apr 13, 2011 10 min read