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Displaying 7573 - 7584 of 17774 Results


The U.S., China, and the Future of East Asia The Honorable Henry J. Hyde

Mar 8, 2002 15 min read


The Pentagon's Balancing Act: A Special Address by the Chairman of the Joint ... Admiral Michael G. Mullen

Jun 9, 2008 15 min read


The Growing Ballistic Missile Threat: How Much, How Soon, and How Dangerous? The Hon. Donald Rumsfeld, et. al.

Feb 1, 1999 17 min read


A U.S. Department of Trade - Or Protection Edward Lynch

Dec 9, 1983 13 min read


Six Faulty Reasons for Supporting the Chemical Weapons Convention Thomas Moore

Apr 23, 1997 14 min read


Balancing Trade and National Security in the 21st Century The Honorable Fred Thompson

Mar 17, 2000 16 min read


Social Security's Rates of Return for Union Households William W. Beach

Sep 7, 1998 About an hour read


Social Security's Rates of Return for Union Households

Sep 7, 1998 About an hour read