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Displaying 4213 - 4224 of 4257 Results


How Washington Wasted Your Money in the 1995 Appropriations Bills Scott A.; Barry

Oct 28, 1994 31 min read


How to Get Spending Under Control Scott Hodge

Jan 15, 1993 38 min read


An Agenda for American Immigration Reform

Feb 20, 2019 Over an hour read


A New Agenda for American Leadership at the Sixth Summit of the Americas Ray Walser, Ph.D.

Apr 4, 2012 About an hour read


Martin Luther King, Jr., and the American Dream Peter C. Myers, Ph.D.

Mar 28, 2014 About an hour read


Why NATO Must Win in Afghanistan: A Central Front in the War onTerrorism Sally McNamara

Jun 23, 2008 44 min read


Through the Looking Glass: The Culture of the Political U.N. Juliana Geran

Aug 27, 1982 43 min read


A Vision For Health System Change

Aug 12, 2004 About an hour read


The Rhodesian Elections and the Sanctions Issue Samuel T.

May 17, 1979 About an hour read

Special Report

How DEI Undermines U.S. Diplomacy Simon Hankinson

May 30, 2024 Over an hour read